The Mack's Bible - How to Have More Women and Take Back Your Manhood (PDF Book)
So you’re looking at his page and probably asking yourself a question, “Who are the elite few and what do they know about attracting women that I don’t?”
By the simple fact you’re reading this means that you're probably not as successful with women as you WANT to be. But I’m here to tell you that you CAN be VERY successful with women.
It’s no secret that for decades there have always been men who were very successful at meeting and seducing women. And in our modern time, “the streets” have picked up the terms "Mack" and "Playa". These names have become synonymous with men who are highly skilled in those areas.
I know REAL Game and I teach REAL Game. I’ve been doing it for years – any of my other books, blog posts and podcasts will support that fact.
Many years ago a Mack and Pimp were one and the same. But over the last few decades a gap has grown between what a Mack is and what a Pimp is. The modern Mack IS NOT a Pimp.... but, they both understand many things about women that the average male doesn’t.
You can learn to get almost ANY girl you want. It comes down to having the correct understanding about 2 main things – (1) You have to understand what it really means to BE a MAN and (2) why being a man is ATTRACTIVE to women; they find a real man difficult to resist.
The average male will go through a large part of his life trying to chase, date, sleep with and understand women. And during this process he will waste a lot of TIME, a lot of MONEY and still come up short. And this is why I’ve written this book; The Mack’s Bible. You can learn easier, faster and cheaper by understanding what Macks (the elite “Ladies Men”) have always known.
Success with women is not based on how much money you have, what car you drive or even your social status. Yes, those things can help, but at the end of the day that’s NOT what a woman really wants. What a woman really wants is a MAN, and this book explains to you in great detail what that is and how to become it.
You might also think that you must be physically attractive to even have a chance with an attractive woman. That’s not true! Let me ask you a question: How many men do you see on the cover of women’s magazines? Women look beyond physical looks because they’re looking to fulfill needs that go beyond them.
A Mack is the ultimate gentleman. But a gentleman on HIS terms, not the WOMAN’S terms. What he knows and understands goes against conventional dating advice. A Mack knows what women really want and is able to deliver it with precision and confidence.
I learned this layer of The Game from very experienced and wiser men who saw potential in me and taught me what I needed to do and how to do it. Now for the first time I’m teaching this information in a simple comprehensive book unlike anything you may have read before. This is REAL GAME. These aren’t tricks, pressure techniques, framing techniques, arrogant behavior, playing hard to get or being deceitful. This knowledge simply works; if you work it
Here are just some of the things you’ll discover:
- The 5 (plus 1) greatest needs of a woman and how to FULFILL them without jeopardizing your manhood
- What being a MAN actually means and how to develop it
- The methods of seducing a woman QUICKLY – it can even be done in a single date
- How to program (and reprogram) your thinking to bring out your natural CONFIDENCE
- How to APPROACH women anytime and anywhere
- How to hold a conversation with any woman and NEVER run out of conversation
- What “The Game of the Sexes” is and how to use it to your ADVANTAGE
- What to do and NOT do on a date
- What a Mack’s PROGRAM is and how to create one for yourself
- How to date, sleep with and manage MULTIPLE women (these chapters alone are worth more than the price of this book)
- How women “test” you, why they “test” you and how to PASS with flying colors every time
- Learn about the most misunderstood Principle of The Game and how it can make you IRRESISTIBLE
- How to develop a Mack’s secret weapon, his “aura”, and how this will DRAW women to you
All this may sound too good to be true, and I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that. But let me ask you a couple more questions: What if all this IS true? What if almost everything you learned about men and women is hurting you more than helping you? We all know deep down that women are different than men, but if you don’t know HOW they’re different then what good is that going to do for you?
Let me share a secret with you – you ALREADY have what it takes to be successful with women. All you have to do is learn HOW to bring that out of you! Stop running around in the dark and get some light so you can see clearly.
This book will help you:
- Date almost any girl you WANT – age, career and relationship status won’t matter
- STOP hearing, “Let’s just be friends…”
- Rid yourself of the anxiety when approaching ANY woman
- Conquer and BYPASS resistance
- Gain RESPECT from women (and even other males)
- Have women CHASE you for a change
- Capture ALL of the woman – mind, heart, body, soul and everything she possesses
These techniques work on all women. Culture and upbringing will not be a factor. Why? Because you will learn the true NATURE of women and what they REALLY want. These are “hardwired” into every woman on the planet; they will respond to them.
There are many, many books written about this subject but most of them lack real TRUE GAME. They have bits and pieces of it, but I can say with confidence that they didn’t actually learn them from certified successful Macks. I was in “the streets” for years before I became an author, teacher and lecturer. Most authors never had access to authentic first-hand information. Many of these “seduction” books teach you how to ACT like an attractive man – not BECOME an attractive man. This book will separate the men from the boys. You have my word on that.
This is an investment in YOU. Once learned and mastered this knowledge will be with you the rest of your life. Aren't you worth that investment to yourself? Life is short and time is something that’s not going to wait for you.
Make the decision and take charge of this part of your life. Learn it NOW, master it NOW – don’t look back later with regrets. Stop pretending like you don’t want to know this. If you’ve read every word then obviously you’re more than just curious. Get the real, tried and proven Game that many claim to have, but honestly don’t. This knowledge has only been passed down from mouth to ear… until now.
If you’re ready to become the best man you can be, then get your copy now! It's over 350 pages of pure, raw, authentic Game!
Stop making excuses and start meeting and dating more women! Stop buying drinks, stop asking what time it is, stop ending up in the friend-zone, stop joining classes where women congregate, stop waiting on women to approach you or “get the hint”; stop wishing, hoping and dreaming that your dating life will magically get better. The reality is that it won’t until you do something about it! Become a MAN, stop being toyed and played around with.
Learn to have “it” – even though women you Mack to won’t know what “it” is – they will see “it” in you and desire you because of "it".
The ball is now in your court. Either take the shot or get back on the bench.