The Total Mack's Bundle
(1) The Mack's Bible: How To Have More Women And Take Back Your Manhood (PDF Format)
A Mack is the ultimate gentleman. But a gentleman on his terms, not the woman’s terms. A Mack knows what women REALLY want and is able to deliver it with precision and confidence. This information has been tried, tested and proven effective over countless decades. This is the REAL GAME that many have sought but were not able to possess.
Here are just some of the things you’ll discover within these pages:
• The 5 (plus 1) greatest needs of a woman and how to fulfill them
• What being a MAN actually means and how to develop your manhood
• The methods of seducing a woman QUICKLY – it can even be done in a single date
• How to program (and reprogram) your thinking to bring out your natural CONFIDENCE
• How to APPROACH women anytime and anywhere – rid yourself of “approach anxiety”
• How to hold a conversation with any woman and NEVER run out of conversation
• What to do and NOT do on a date
• How to date, sleep with and manage MULTIPLE women
• Date almost any girl you WANT – age, career and relationship status won’t matter
• Gain more RESPECT from women (and even other males)
• Have women CHASE you for a change
• Capture ALL of the woman – not just her sex, but her mind, heart and everything she possesses
You ALREADY have what it takes to be successful with women. You just need to learn HOW to bring that out. Let the wisdom in The Mack’s Bible become a light to see through the darkness of meeting, dating and having more women!
(2) From Foreplay To The Bedroom: Simple Sexual Techniques That Drive Women Wild! (PDF Format)
This book will explain some very powerful sexual techniques that will drive women crazy! They’re simple and effective; you won’t even need to practice most of them.
These techniques are so easy to remember that when the time comes all you have to do is follow the playbook. I will show you how to transition from touching, then to kissing and then how to get into the bedroom. And then I’ll explain WHAT TO DO once you get there. This bonus book is only available in THE TOTAL MACK'S BUNDLE.
(3) Mack Memoirs: Stories & Lessons From The Other Side (MP3 Format)
Imagine you and I sitting down at a table together and me giving you direct instruction about the Mack Game. In this Audio Lesson I’ll be sharing a few of my personal stories and passing along real Mack Game wisdom because honestly, people have many misconceptions about it...
I'll share what I did, what I said and some the biggest mistakes I made during my years of Macking. Learn from them to tighten your Mack Game. This is over 2 hours of knowledge from a real Mack!
You'll hear:
• How to choose the MAIN woman that's right for what you want
• Where I "dropped the ball" with my very first team (stable) of 2 women and how you can AVOID it
• The difference between "hard-line" and "soft-line" Mackin' and why you should use BOTH
• How to create situations where women will fulfill your SEXUAL fantasies
• What your agenda SHOULD be with women so you don't get played like a Trick
• Why most women who "leave" you will come right BACK - if you're Macking correctly that is
• One of the biggest mistakes I made and how it cost me my BEST girl at the time
• And there’s much, much more…
* After purchase be sure to download ALL 3 files *
2 PDFs & 1 Audio MP3